Be All You Are Called to Be

After Rev. Hurto leads our ‘New Start Worship’ Sat. March 2 he will speak at our Sunday service reflecting on the why and how of our shared ministry.

Rev. Kenn is a graduate of Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, and of the Divinity School at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For 45 years as an active parish minister, he served Unitarian Universalist congregations small (19, often with perfect attendance!) to large (over 700) in Indiana, Iowa, Virginia, New Zealand and Australia and Fort Myers, Florida.

Kenn expanded his understanding of congregational life serving as a member and Lead of the ten member UUA Southern Region field staff for twelve years.

Throughout his ministry, Kenn was sought out for his expertise in Bowen family systems theory as applied to congregational life. Now retired from full time ministry, he continues teaching systems theory, congregational growth, and leadership development. His particular interests including Mission/Vision work, nurturing accountable leadership, results-based stewardship, and congregational conflict.

2nd Hour: “Porch Swing, Your Response, Please!”, TED Talks, UU Climate Action