Fifth PrincipalVOTE 2020:

Elections matter! With this year's election, UUs are called on to honor our 5 th principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

Here the three things you can do:

#1 VOTE: Be sure you are registered to vote, so you can make your voice heard. Here in Florida, elections are won and lost by margins much smaller than the population of Okaloosa county. Visit the Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections website to register or confirm your registration status. The County Elections office is encouraging people to sign up to vote by mail.

Post Card Voter Registration
Post Card Voter Registration Side 2
Post card sent to Okaloosa County voters.

Many UUs have voted by mail for years and others of us like going in person. Signing up for vote by mail is a great "Plan B" given the uncertainties of the extended hurricane season and the pandemic. Learn more in this great voting by mail Myths & Facts, prepared by our own Toni Pentecouteau.


For years, the UU Living Legacy Project has led tours of in civil rights sites in the South. This year, they are bringing the tour to our homes with a fantastic webinar series, "Voting Rights. The Struggle Continues," the last Tuesday of every month. Webinars feature conversations with long-term voting rights activities and some great social justice music. Registration is required and free, with donations encouraged.

Voting Rights, The Struggle Continues

Watch the first video, with Ms. Flonzie Brown Wright, the first African American woman to serve as elected commissioner in Mississippi, and Larry Rubin, an organizer with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Southwest Georgia and Northern Mississippi.

There are many ways to support voting rights!
You can get started by visiting UU the Vote to learn what UUs around the country are doing and get action resources.
Check back for more ways to be engaged.

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