Speaker: Tiffany Sapp

Tiffany Sapp is an Aspirant in the UUA’s ministerial certification process, and the former Religious Exploration Coordinator at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County. She is currently learning how to be a “country girl” in Bonifay, FL while completing her UU Studies Certificate online with the Starr King School for the ministry. Tiffany grew up in multi-denominational Protestant Military Base chapels, and completed her Master’s of Divinity from Duke Divinity school in 2003 with the intention of becoming a United Methodist minister before she discovered that wasn’t the right path for her. Tiffany draws from many sources in her quest for truth and meaning, including the teachings of Jesus, the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, and the practices of Pagan religion. She is a 2nd Degree Pagan Priestess, and a Hierophant with the Fellowship of Isis. She loves to catch tadpoles and lizards with her five year old daughter Bridget, watches Game of Thrones with her husband Jayon, and is learning how to make all kinds of pickles from her mother in law.

Tiffany Sapp

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association. 2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Free Thinkers Friendly, Buddhistarians

The Balance of Interdependence

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Reflections, Social Justice

Tiffany Sapp

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Tiffany lives in Bonifay with her husband Jayon and her daughter Bridget, where they spend lots of time exploring the woods in their backyard.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Reflections, Social Justice

Intentional Community

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Free Thinkers Friendly, Buddhistarians

A Candle of Hope

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Tiffany lives in Bonifay with her husband Jayon and her daughter Bridget, where they spend lots of time exploring the woods in their backyard.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Being a UU Parent: Sharing the Journey

Community Soup

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist association. Tiffany lives in Bonifay with her husband Jayon and her daughter Bridget, where they spend lots of time exploring the woods in their backyard.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Being a UU Parent: Sharing the Journey, Social Justice

Tiffany Sapp

Tiffany Sapp will speak on a topic to be determined. 2nd Hour: Porch Swing, “Extra, Extra”, Surviving Old Age

Welcoming and Being Welcomed

Tiffany Sapp will speak about “Welcoming and Being Welcomed”
2nd Hour: Living Our UU Principles, Social Justice, Porch Swing

Mother’s Day

2nd Hour: Freethinker Friendly, Buddhistarians, Porch Swing, Informal Socializing