Rev. Ruth’s Reflections March 11th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections
Had a meeting the other day sitting at the table outside the choir room at UUFEC. The pergola was covered with yellow flowers and the bees hummed about on their way, as we talked and sipped our coffee.

I made the coffee in a pot in our freshly cleaned kitchen (and carefully washed everything afterward!) and I relished the thought that in a month someone else will be making coffee and the building will be full of voices and laughter and we will gather in person in our sanctuary and worship together.

Yes, worship! This is the act of celebrating what is worthwhile, what matters, and regardless of our personal beliefs, we can all agree on the things that matter most and find a way to celebrate together!

Dust off your bonnets, my Friends! Easter is coming soon!

In wisdom and grace,
Rev. Ruth