Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – February 3rd, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

It’s been almost a year since Russian forces invaded Ukraine. Unless you count the invasion and take-over of Crimea in 2014, which I do.

They are now making bullet-proof vests and helmets for the children who are still living in the targeted towns. Tanks are on the way, fighter jets are under negotiation, and I am sick to my stomach.

My fear, my grief, my nausea doesn’t really matter. None of it helps the people of Ukraine. I cannot defend them on the ground, and I cannot feed or house them myself.

I can and do donate to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. They are still working with partner organizations to help Ukrainians in this ongoing crisis. Check out their webpage on this effort:
UUSC Supports Ukraine – Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

I trust the UUSC to be my hands in places I cannot go. Please consider a donation to help the citizens of Ukraine.

In wisdom and grace,
Rev. Ruth