Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – December 23rd, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

In the midst of eight-night Hanukkah, just past the turning of the Winter Solstice, and anticipating the celebration of Christmas, I offer you all the blessings of the season!

Let us be mindful of those who will work on Christmas while most of us play, and let us remember those for whom Sunday services will be the only celebration. Let us hold in our hearts those missing loved ones who couldn’t be present this year or who have left this world behind. There are many who will spend the holiday in shelters, in jails, and on the streets.
And there are many little ones experiencing the season for the first time, bringing joy to their households.

You are all on my heart and mind!
What a great joy it is to serve this fellowship as your minister!

Blessings and joy to you all!

In wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth