Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – December 22nd, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

In December 2020, my younger child Angus went into the hospital on the Winter Solstice and didn’t come out until Epiphany. They never identified his illness and in only two weeks he was home.

Liam and I went to get a Christmas tree on Dec 23 and found our usual lot abandoned with a few trees stacked on one side and a sign reading, “Help Yourself.” So we did. I found a strand of aquamarine lights for our little rescue tree and we got some of the family ornaments up. I told him we would have to celebrate later because Angus wasn’t well yet. December 25 came and went.

We had our Christmas festivities on January 6. Presents and food were welcome accompaniments to the best gift, having Angus home safe and well and all being there together!

I hope whatever feels wrong about your Christmas season gets righted in the upcoming year! May you find some merriment, some joy, some hope in the meantime!

In wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth