Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – December 16th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

Got close to a Christmas overload melt-down today, which doesn’t happen to me often. I am known for my low-anxious presence and my calm in the storms that come my way.

I didn’t sleep well last night
I got messages that someone was sending bogus money request texts in my name
we had an unexpected family guest this morning who was trying to be generous & kind but was actually making lots of extra work for me,
I never got the time to clean the guest room for a dear friend who will arrive soon and stay for two weeks
I had a hundred errands to run in holiday traffic
I had lots of important minister work to do
and SO
I sat in the car in the parking lot at CVS and did a lot of quiet, deep breathing. I reminded myself that the world would not end if I failed to get it all done or solved today.
I also remembered what really matters, and I felt grateful that everyone I love is reasonably safe and well, and that a bunch of inconveniences will not undo me.

Maybe you needed to hear that, too. Or maybe you know someone who does?
May the promise of peace be realized for all of you, my Friends !

In wisdom & grace,
Rev. Ruth