Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – April 12th, 2024

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

We all protect our private lives from public view. We fear the negative opinions our secret lives might generate!

Ministers walk a tightrope in this respect. We want to appear genuine, to let folk know that we struggle, too. We are not perfect and we understand that no one else is either.

We also need to project confidence and competence so that our parishioners will trust us and look to us for both leadership and compassion. If we share too much of our private lives our folk might feel that they must look after us.

My life is filled with wonderful people, and I am very fortunate in many ways! My life is also very messy and filled with challenges most people never face and therefore hardly understand. My husband and my two adult children are all living with health problems from significant to severe, and the toll of my years is catching up with me!

So I must pare down my responsibilities in order to focus most of my personal resources on my family. That is at the core of why I must leave UUFEC soon.
As we move through this time of transition, please remember how much I love you all!

In wisdom, grace & hope,

Rev. Ruth