Peace Site


by Bill White

While Alex G. and I were still under the spell of Karen’s great flower power Sunday with the kids, he suggested a Porch piece on the topic of peace. A little edification for new folks, and maybe nostalgia for older (long term) members. Lars squanders enough ink on me in the “Corner” each month, but peace being such a timely topic. Oh well . . . .

It happened not so long ago and far away, when the Reverend Michael Seider served us at the Carmel Drive place – you know, with the porch swing. With Michael’s help and guidance, maybe fifteen years ago, we dedicated the Fellowship as a “Peace Site.”

All the members, about three dozen of us then, filed outside and formed a large circle, passing a long stream of white ribbon from hand to hand, the full circle of it signifying the world. Michael started us off and we all sang and said some nice things about our nest — planet earth. At ceremony’s end we each snipped off our own segment of ribbon, keeping this piece of our pledge to Gaia.

There was a Daily News reporter there clicking away photos of our ceremony. Lots of photos. I remember whispering to daughter Kathy, who was here back in those days also, that they sure were taking a good record of everyone attending. Hey, that was before Homeland Security too!

Paranoia safely packed away, we went back home that day, but the little plaque still adorns the back wall by the bulletin boards. With that little ceremony so long ago, we joined many other UU churches, schools and libraries, even some homes, that were dedicated as “Peace Sites.”

It seems more appropriate than ever to think of our little building as a Peace Site, and what more fitting way to wrap this up than the words from the plaque itself?

No peace in the world without peace in the nations

No peace in the nations without peace in the towns

No peace in the towns without peace in the home

No peace in the home without peace in the heart

—Tao Te Ching