April 2nd, 2020 – Notes From the Journey

The Reverend Doak M Mansfield

As I write this the beauty of an early Spring day is near awe inspiring. Cool with bright sunshine and very low humidity there is a clarity in the atmosphere that mocks the troubled ugliness of our human situation. 

The COVID 19 pandemic is posting staggering numbers of sick and dead in the US and round the world. Our political leaders’ response has been disheartening, delayed, or dithering. Thank God for the dedicated health workers. This crisis is surely a challenge to the assumptions of the idealists among us and a validation for the cynics on belief in “a government, of the people and by the people”.  From what I can see and read the huge financial rescue worries about the corporatizations first and the people last.  $3,400 for a family of four will help some but be of cold comfort for the long run…which appears to be several months. Living is expensive!

What does this have to go with spirituality or religion? 

We are all grounded in the life of the world. We are part of the being that is. There is a deadly virus infected this shared life and we all are suspectable. The cultural and governmental response, actions, and behavior impact us.

I encourage all of us to tend gently to our spiritual center, keep up the social contacts though every means available except physical contact, and watch the reliable news sources for information. Nurture hope in your heart and mind. 

Our politicians depend on good relations with voters. Reach out to local and national office holders with words of encouragement to be attentive to the ‘general welfare’ and do everything possible to aid, support people during this truly threatening situation. If people be not cared for all economic systems, businesses, and financial schemes are in jeopardy. The fragile social contract is under tremendous strain and has been for decades. This crisis will determine if it can hold. Be a part of saving it – make the politicians and leaders accountable to a moral standard reflective of our interdependence. 

“Justice is love in action.” Cornel West notes. I say, “Compassion with justice in redemptive and can save our planet’s life.” If you need me be in touch…

Love ~ Doak

