New COVID Building Use Policy as of 8/23/2021

At its meeting Monday night, the Board of Trustees conducted its monthly review of current building policy use.

At this time, Okaloosa County is experiencing the highest rates of hospitalization and test positivity since the beginning of the pandemic. In this context, and in light of the most recent recommendation from the CDC, the Board agree to update building use and mask-wearing requirements.

The new policy allows for groups of up to five people each to gather on UUFEC business, with a maximum of 20 people in the entire building. All groups must socially “distance” from one another (i.e., minimum six feet apart) and all individuals must wear masks when closer than six feet to others, regardless of vaccination status.

UUFEC COVID Building Use Policies as of 8/23/2021

The Board revisits this issue at our monthly meetings (our September meeting is Monday, 9/27, 6:32pm). As always, input and questions from members are welcome (

Please be on the lookout for longer update from your Board in next week’s Enews!