Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – May 12th, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

Mother’s Day is a mixed experience for most of us.

For some it is a wonderful time of family gathered around the lynchpin that is the mother. For others it serves as a painful reminder of hurt and loss.

For all those who have lost a beloved mother, or mothering figure . . .
For all those who grew up without a mother, or the mothering they needed . . .
For all those whose mothers did more harm than good . . .
For all those who struggled to be a good mother . . .
For all those who wanted to be a mother but couldn’t . . .
For all those mothers who have lost a child . . .
And for those for whom Mother’s Day is in some other way painful,

Let us offer sympathy, compassion, understanding, and comradeship. Let us make room in our gathering for these precious ones.

In wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth