Rev. Ruth’s Reflections May 6th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

Exploration results in education. Education leads to further exploration.
Religious exploration and education are inextricably woven together.

We UUs don’t like the idea of indoctrinating our children due to the implication that there is only one way to think about the big questions (Where did we come from? Why are we here? Is there a divine source? How do we relate to that source? and many others . . .)
We want to educate our kids about the tools with which to engage in life-long religious exploration.

We are all of us engaged in that journey and value the freedom to explore, discover, and change our minds about the big questions in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning (the Fourth Principle).

Now that we have reopened our building, we are rebuilding our Religious Exploration program and making plans for both our kids and our adults to engage in that search. Would you like to join the teacher rotation to help teach kids? Do you have a program you teach to adults in 1-6 sessions? Fall will be here before we know it and we want to start planning now for our renewed R.E. program! Talk to Interim DRE Sarah Ford or to me about how you can help!

In Wisdom & Grace,

Rev. Ruth