Rev. Ruth’s Reflections July 8th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

General Assembly 2022 has come to a close, as have Ministry Days, the gathering for clergy held immediately prior to GA. I attended these events online and found them to be informative and energizing! I will be sharing more about GA in a few weeks.

I will spend the bulk of July on vacation and doing some professional development work. Both are necessary to enable me to serve you good folk as minister, which I love doing!

My family and I have a long to-do list of deferred house maintenance to address. For instance, we had a large tree fall into our in-ground pool in the spring. With the tree finally removed, we’ve got a late start on opening the pool, and swimming is my preferred form of exercise!

My older son Liam has transferred to a new school and after living at home during his first two years of college because of the pandemic, he is preparing to move to his first campus apartment! Lots of sorting, cleaning, and preparation for this exciting transition!

My younger son Angus, who is severely disabled, continues to bring joy to our lives and reminds us daily what really matters! He moves around on the floor, listens to music, laughs and plays games in his own way, and offers moral support for the rest of us as we go about our daily tasks. Angus is our touchstone and our wingnut!

I hope all of you are having a good summer. I look forward to returning to UUFEC in August!


Rev. Ruth