Update on UUFEC building and in-person activities

At its November 22 meeting, the Board reviewed local COVID-19 indicators and the status of the building. The current building use policy is still in effect.

There is good news!

  • Local indicators continue to show steadily declining COVID-19 risk in Okaloosa County.
  • The work of the pest control company is done: The rodents are out of the building and new insulation has been installed.

Some big hurdles remain before we can consider in-person activities.

  • COVID-19 indicators need to continue to show reduced risk.
  • CLEANING: Thanks to those who volunteered to help clean. We are still taking volunteers! At this point, some work must be done by professional cleaners before we bring in volunteers.
  • Some building needs require contractors, as we head into holiday season with a labor shortage. Stay tuned for updates on building repairs for items such as heating units, AC ducts and electrical re-wiring.

At this point, it’s hard to imagine major in-person activities before February. Be on the lookout for cleaning parties early in the new year!

We all are longing to gather in our building again! We are grateful for all the help as move toward doing so safely. As always, please share any ideas and let me know if you can volunteer (president@uufec.com).

With love and gratitude,
President Jane